Krists B.'s review of Specialty Merchandise Corporation

Specialty Merchandise Corporation

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Balboa Capital Corporation
3.9 star rating 2364 miles
Arista Passport & Visa Services
4.0 star rating 2376 miles
3.8 star rating 2380 miles
5.0 star rating 2358 miles
Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 10/27/2009
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Review 10/27/2009
I signed up for SMC and discovered that i would not have the time to spend on building the business. I canceled the membership within 30 days and they offered a different membership that would cancel my website and I would have the privilege to buy their merchandise for the next year. The operator told me there was no need to return the kit. It took them 3 months and 2 calls to finally cancel the website. Each time I called to complain about them withdrawing too much money out of my account, they verified that I was no longer under the original contract and would transfer me to a tech to solve the problem. Then they tried to make me honor the original membership by saying that they tried to take out the money for the new membership agreement and the bank denied it. I went to the bank the next day to find out that they had not tried to withdraw any money and if they had, I had enough in my account to pay it. I also found out that they had credited the last withdrawal back to my account because they had taken the wrong amount. The banker suggested that I should close the account because of suspicion of abuse. They started sending me threatening letters that if I don't pay the full amount of the original membership agreement, they would stop me from ever opening a bank account anywhere. I disputed the amount and they said that after they investigated, I still owe them that amount. They are still sending my letters after a year and a half threatening to take me to county court. I finally became fed up and called the collection office to dispute the debt again. They hung up on me three times and would not allow me to dispute the debt. And all of their prompts do not work. I believe that this company is deceitful and do not honor your wishes when you try to cancel. They are only out for the money, not for your success.
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