Szilard H.'s review of The Law Offices of Amir Soleimanian & Associates

The Law Offices of Amir Soleimanian & Associates

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Trial Pro, P.A. Naples
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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Review Posted 7/29/2011
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Review 7/29/2011
My case did not look promising at all. CHP clocked me at 104 MPH with a radar gun, got pulled over, thanks God I did not get arrested on spot. I got the citation though, with the court date on it and did not know what to do. I started browsing the internet - different attorney's websites - and they all looked good but there were some places where I read bad things about them. I decided to call 3 offices that are specialized in speeding tickets and Mr.Ticket's office gave me a little bit higher price than other attorney offices. I was really hesitating whether I should pay this much difference but once I have been told that if you want quality work you gotta pay for it. I am a lawful permanent resident so I definitely did not want this to go onto my immigration record, neithless to say the raise in my insurance rates as I am under 25 years old. The attorney who I talked over the phone was very professional but I kinda felt that they just wanted to tell me all the things I wanted to hear. I still had a confidence in them and soon after I sent them my payment along with the signed contracts and waivers. I kept checking-in from time to time and I have always been told that they will let me know if there is any update. They told me in advance that this case might take 4-6 months and it ended in less than 4 months. Today morning I got the news that my case got totally dismissed. GUYS! I do not know what you do and how you did it and honestly I do NOT care! You are the BEST and you will always have my support!!! I will recommend you to EVERYBODY! You did an incredible job and I am VERY-VERY THANKFUL FOR THAT. And for people who consider hiring them: Others might cost a couple of hundred or even a thousand dollar less, but if you want somebody to take care of you, represent you in court (by the way I NEVER EVER had to show up at court) and DELIVER (!) then they are your "men"! RELIABLE, PROFESSIONAL AND THEY DELIVER!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! God bless America!!!
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